14 Oct What are the benefits of Supply Teaching?
Very few parents can deny that juggling a career and family life is ongoing. The internal conflict between wanting to be there for your children and professional fulfilment is unlikely to shift soon, especially when society’s expectations continually set the bar high. You might be forgiven for thinking the teaching industry has all the answers among a whole world of working options. After all, who wouldn’t love six weeks off in the summer and a 3.30 pm finish? But appearances can be deceiving as permanent teaching positions come with many administration, behind-the-scenes planning and surprisingly inflexible hours. That is permanent teaching, however. Today, we will talk about the potential saviour; supply teaching.
Pros and cons of teaching
Like any job, a career in teaching has its pros and cons. Although the term time hours are a definite highlight, you can’t swap your working days to fit in with your children’s needs, so its compatibility with family life is often called into question. But if you’ve spent a long time working in the teaching industry, exploring other career options might not be the answer you’re looking for, especially if you find your job rewarding. After all, if you know the job well, it’s only natural to want to put your knowledge and skills to good use, especially if you’ve harnessed years’ worth of experience. So, what’s the solution?
Increased flexibility in supply teaching
If you want the fulfilment of teaching with added flexibility, supply teaching could be the answer you’re looking for. Not only does it provide parents with the opportunity to return to the industry in which they’ve paved their chosen career, but they’re also able to select the number of days they’re able to work. So, for example, you don’t have to miss your child’s harvest festival or Christmas performance because you can opt out of working that day. Similarly, if you have a friend’s wedding to attend, a medical appointment to go to, or you want to book a holiday, you can plan your working week around your personal life instead of the other way around.
There is also flexibility in your working day. Although some people love the stability of going to the same workplace day in and day out, year after year, it is not for everybody. For people who love a challenge, supply teaching offers that constant merry-go-round. You can be in one school one day, meeting new people, and in a completely different school the next week. Fantastic news for those who love a change of scenery! If you’re worried about adapting to a new school, The Teachers’ Hub has it all handled. We only place the right people at the right schools. We’ve got this.
Don’t put a full stop on your career
Although a full-time teaching contract might not be conducive to family life initially, it doesn’t mean you won’t want to return to that option at some point in the future. Supply teaching can bridge the gap between returning to work when your children are little and re-establishing your career when the timing is right for you as a family. It enables you to play an active role in the industry you’re qualified in but without long-term commitment. It also allows you to experience a variety of school settings and teach children of different ages and abilities. For example, you could be teaching reception one day and year 7 on another, so no two days are the same.
Less homework
Regarding the working day, school hours have extra appeal because they don’t involve evenings or weekends. Unfortunately, full-time teaching comes with a whole load of admin, lesson planning, marking, etc., which means doing a lot of extra preparation at home and fitting it around family time. Supply teaching takes away this pressure because you won’t be required to take work home with you. Instead, you’ll be able to focus purely on the job without the stress of fitting in the extra responsibilities around your home life. It’s effectively the most flexible approach to teaching and has the unique appeal of putting you in control of your work-life balance. Interested in becoming a supply teacher? We’re here for you.
You can treat it as a long-form interview
With The Teachers’ Hub, it doesn’t just stop at supply teaching on a daily and weekly basis. Becca and her team also provide long-term cover for schools and teachers. If an individual starts out covering a teacher on a short-term basis but finds they absolutely love it (and the children love them), The Teachers’ Hub can provide longer-term cover. This means that a supply teacher would replace a permanent staff member, meaning they would be planning, preparing and even marking work. Depending on the length of cover, a teacher may be required to step in at parents’ evening, for example.
Factors which might see a stand-in member of staff take on a longer-term position include maternity leave, or a sudden illness that leaves the school in the lurch. You can experience many different schools as a supply teacher and determine which areas suit you best. This will enable you to build a rapport with schools and have a greater chance of success at an interview since you are already familiar with the schools’ policies and procedures and have proven effective.
In addition to providing various teaching styles and experiences, supply teaching lets you build up a wealth of experience. In the future, you may be able to expand on these skills when you are interviewed for a permanent position.
Use supply teaching as a way of making connections
As well as showcasing yourself in different settings, you can make friends with staff who can help you progress to a full-time position with their recommendation.
Get a feel to see if you like the school
Finally, supply teaching also allows you to test if you like the school you are working at and vice-versa. Not only is the school on trial to try and attract the best calibre of teachers, but the teachers are on trial from the heads of the school as well. This shouldn’t make it sound like a pressurised situation, but that of an opportunity.
An increasing number of people are signing up with The Teachers’ Hub as a result. In addition, as they progress into teaching, this experience gives them an idea of what life will be like as a teacher if they were to take up a long-term position.
Contact The Teachers’ Hub About Supply Teaching
If you’d like to learn more about how supply teaching can provide a flexible working solution, please email enquiries@theteachershub.co.uk or call 07437 689 409.